Singing and Preaching
Psalm 125:2 NKJV As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the LORD surrounds His people from this time forth and forever.
In the times of Temple worship, the Jews used the Psalms of Ascents to prepare themselves for coming into Jerusalem and worshipping in the Temple. At Second Baptist Church, we believe in doing that today.
Before the preaching ever begins, the church has spent time in song and prayer. With those, we are seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit to come be with us, to prepare us, and to prepare our pastor as he brings the message.
We don't base our song choices from any certain style; we just seek to praise Him. Some praise with uplifted hands. Some praise with tears. Some will come and seek Him in prayer at the altar.
We have preaching at all 3 services. Pastor Hicks usually preaches through a book of the Bible on Sundays. Several times a year, he will choose a topical study and preach on a topic for several Wednesday nights. If you would like to see what he is currently preaching on, visit the home page and listen to some of the recent sermons.
After the service, Pastor Hicks will move to the back of the church where you are welcome to come meet him and introduce yourself.
We do hope you will come visit soon.