Second Baptist Church

Dillon, SC

Sunday School: 9:00AM
Sunday Morning Service: 10:00AM
Sunday Evening Service: 5:00PM
Wednesday Evening Service: 7:00PM

Sunday School

We invite you to attend Sunday School each Sunday morning at 9AM. There are classes for all ages.

Here at Second Baptist Dillon we don't view Sunday School as old fashioned. We are intentional about our spiritual growth and view these classes as

opportunities to grow in our relationship with the Lord, together in community. Community is important and we'd love for you to be a part of ours!  

Sunday Morning Worship 

We invite you to come worship the Lord alongside us each Sunday morning beginning at 10am. We've even saved you a seat! 
Our SBC choir and praise team lead worship through a blend of hymns, Southern Gospel, and contemporary music.
Our goal is to glorify Christ with our voices, no matter what genre of music is used. Allow the worship through music to prepare
your hearts and minds to hear the Word brought by Pastor Richie Hicks. He loves the Lord, sharing the Word, and he loves telling people
about the saving grace of Jesus.  Come expecting a powerful message!  

Sunday Evening Worship

We'd love to worship with you again on Sunday evenings. Our service begins at 5pm as we worship through song led by our SBC praise team,
followed by another powerful message from the Word, delivered by Pastor Richie Hicks.  

Wednesday Evening Worship

Our Wednesday service is held each week at 7pm. Come join us for a mid-week pick-me-up that we could all use. 

Childcare Services

We have childcare for birth through 5yr olds during each service. We take great care in teaching His "little ones" about Jesus.  

First through sixth graders are invited to attend SBC Kids. 

Unable to Attend in Person? 

If you have a loved one that isn’t able to make it inside to hear the Word, they can listen from our parking lot on FM channel 107.9.
Our services can also be viewed on Facebook and YouTube. 
Please join us in worship of our Lord. Bring your loved ones. Bring your neighbors.
If there is anyone in your life that needs the saving grace of Jesus, bring them to hear the Word.
We hope to see you at Second Baptist Church Dillon this week. Have a blessed day!