Ministry Groups

We have many ministries and activities going on every month!
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Children's Ministry

Psalm 127:3a NKJV - Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD...

We have a meeting time for children during all three of our services.  Our pastor's wife, Linda, heads up our children's program called SBC Kids.

The children typically have a structured lesson time appropriate for their age, a small snack, and time to just be kids and enjoy visiting with their friends.

On Sunday nights, we start our service with a family worship time.  First through sixth grade students start out in the sanctuary with their parents to sit together and worship through singing praises to Jesus.  During the preaching portion of the service, the children move to a class for a separate lesson. 

During the year, we have special programs, events, and activities for our children, including: a Children's Christmas program, Easter activities, VBS, and trips.  Check back on our "Events" page as we update our activities.   


Brotherhood Meeting


Men are invited to our monthly men's meeting that's held on the 2nd Thursday of each month. We meet at 6:30pm for dinner in our Fellowship Hall, a message, and a time of prayer. Our men enjoy working together on service-oriented projects.  

Senior Adult Ministry

Senior Adults meet one Saturday a month for various activities. 

WMU - Women's Missionary Union

Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.  1 Thessalonians 2:8

Women of all ages are invited to attend our WMU meeting, which is held on the 1st Monday of each month at 6:30pm.   Our mission is to inform and inspire Christian women to influence their world for Christ. God's goal is for us to know Him more and to love others in His name. Come join our next meeting which  includes; Ladies enjoying a light meal, a devotion, and a time of prayer. 

Youth Ministry

Do you have a teen in the 7th-12th grades? Our SBC Youth would love to have you join us for worship, prayer, and growing in the Lord. We are busy growing in  our relationship with Jesus and our friendships with each other.  Our youth meets on Sundays at 5pm and on Wednesdays at 7pm in our youth room.