Events Page

Please check back for our most current church events and activities. 

You're invited to come worship with us through song on Sunday evening,

March 30th, 2025 at 5pm for a 5th Sunday Night Singing. 

Kids up to 6th grade are invited to our annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 12th, 2025 from 11am-12:30pm. Bring your Easter basket and come enjoy hotdogs, games, a devotion, an egg hunt, and having a fun time just being kids. 


You're invited to come celebrate the power of the saving grace of Jesus this Palm Sunday, April 13th, 2025 at 10am. Through His sacrifice and the shedding of His precious blood we can have salvation in Him. His grace flowed down that cross and covered me. He brings freedom to the captives, Good News to the poor, healing to the broken, and joy to those who mourn. He turns ashes into beauty, the ruins He restores, I am a testimony of the goodness of the Lord!  Because of Jesus, I have been changed! 

VBS 2025 - June 8th - 11th

We invite all ages to join us for True North - Trusting Jesus in a Wild World. We can experience the ultimate Alaskan adventure through this year's VBS program. We'll enjoy the northern lights shining over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and sparkling glaciers. As we trek the tundra, they'll discover how easy it is to lose sight of what's true in our wild world today. True North will help guide them towards Jesus. He is a faithful friend we can always trust. He's our True North!